Our Sergeant-At-Arms Past President Paul opened the club assembly with a bang on the gong and welcomed our long-term visitor Bjarne Olander from the Rotary Club of Nagu in Finland. Our Youth Service Director Benjamas gave an update on the activities of the Rotaract Club of Stamford International University and the Rotaract Club of Rajamangala University of Technology – Wangklaigangwon Campus as well as showing some very interesting community service project videos from both clubs.
    President Brian gave an overview of our recent and upcoming events as well as the list of our service projects completed since the beginning of this Rotary Year 120. The projects were undertaken for our stakeholders in local and remote schools and hospitals as well as our financial support for the flood relief efforts in northern Thailand coordinated by District 3360.
     Our Treasurer Albert clearly presented our club finances in detail as usual and President Brian won the bottle of wine for the day.
     The Rotary International theme for October is Economic and Community Development.