Our Sergeant-At-Arms, Past President Paul introduced quite a few guests to our meeting today and it was good to welcome back our visiting Rotarian friends from clubs in both Thailand and abroad. President Brian updated everyone on our recent community service projects and activities as well as our upcoming events.
     Our Youth Service Director Rotarian Benjamas presented the Rotaract Club of Stamford International University’s annual International Charity Night Gala coming soon on 23 January, and sold tickets as well.
     Our guest speaker of the day Mr. Nat Ponkrida gave an insightful presentation on the development of the new organic produce purchasing platform “Truly Organic” in Hua Hin. Associated with the Thailand Organic Consumer Association, this local initiative is meant to facilitate the exchange of organic produce from the farmer to the consumer and drive sustainable development among health, environment and economics, drawing inspiration from successful models in developed markets.
     President Brian exchanged club banners with visiting Rotarian Past President Tom Baker from the Rotary Club of Golden in Colorado, USA, and Rotarian Franjo won the bottle of wine for the day.